Load 8228579

Empty Miles: 0 ⥈ Loaded Miles: 509

Activity Odometer Start Date Start Time Trailer
BT 158664 05/14/2021 10:16 180217
Status Actual/Paid Miles End Date End Time
Voided -158664 / 509 07/06/2024 20:12

Stop 1

Location Name: Goodyear Tire And Rubber
Location Street: 6650 Ramsey St
Location City/State: Fayetteville , NC
PU Number: OVR06869
Appointment Time: 05/14 00:01 - 05/14 23:59

Stop 2

Location Name: Goodyear Tire And Rubber
Location Street: 9799 Heartland Ct
Location City/State: Columbus, OH
PU Number:
Appointment Time: 05/16 01:00 - 05/16 23:00